Sam Hansen

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Picture of Sam holding a shotgun mic in front of a painting of William Rowan Hamilton on the side of Broom Bridge

PRX STEM Story Grant

PRX STEM Story Project

“The STEM Story Project is an open call for science, tech, engineering, and math pitches. Over the summer, we asked producers around the world to share their ideas with us. Then, a team of scientists in various disciplines, plus a team of radio professionals, screened the over 100 proposals we received. Only 17 received grants.”

Sam’s won the grant in 2015 to produce a story about William Rowan Hamilton, the four-dimensional numbers called Quaternions he developed, and the annual pilgrimage to the bridge he was walking near when he had his moment of insight and then proceeded to vandalize with the characteristic equation of the Quaternions.

Sam called the piece Three Letter Met on Broom Bridge

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